Frequently Asked Questions

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) generally refers to a non-binding agreement that establishes an institutional relationship for future collaboration.  Such an MOU may mention particular activities governed by other agreements but does not create any financial or other obligations. MOU templates offered by the partner will first need to be reviewed by OGS to ensure that they are non-binding but they are not subject to the policy on review of international agreements. Agreements that are labeled MOUs but create financial or other obligations are subject to review.

A non-exhaustive list includes student and faculty exchange programs, study abroad provider agreements, and joint degree and dual degree programs.   

Only Georgetown faculty and administrators can initiate agreements. 

This depends on the issue and the partner. OGS can offer support during the negotiation process, going over successive agreement drafts and providing input on university policies and frameworks in a timely manner. We recommend starting the process 4-6 months before the intended start date of the activity.  Queries submitted through the International Agreement Intent Form will be responded to within 48 hours.

Agreements should be submitted for formal review once negotiations with international partners have been concluded and the necessary academic and financial approvals have been secured. The Office of Global Services can provide advice and assistance on relevant university policies and agreement frameworks during the negotiation process. Careful preparation at an early stage can facilitate a smooth formal review process.

Georgetown does not negotiate open-ended, non-expiring agreements. For most agreements, the duration is five years with the possibility of renewal.

In general, at the end of the negotiated term, an agreement can be terminated without further notification to the partner. If either party would like to terminate the activity before the term is up, there is often a provision to do with a written notification.

The proper level of university signatory will vary depending on the type of agreement. OGS can provide more information on best practices.

Have more questions that are not addressed here? Contact:

Liz Greenfeld
Assistant Director for Global Program Support Services
Office of Global Services